01296 397000 24hrs


Sewage & wastewater treatment and management

Ethical policy

ESTS is committed to behaving with integrity and responsibility as a company, to our employees, our customers, our business partners, to the wider community and to the environment. 

Respecting the environment

ESTS’s whole business depends on environmental responsibility for the safe and appropriate management of sewage and wastewater, but our commitment to respecting and protecting the environment in which we live goes well beyond this. Please see our environmental policy for more details.

Fairness to all

ESTS is committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all and is determined to demonstrate equality and diversity. 

ESTS treats everyone equally irrespective of sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, race, colour, religion, ethnic or national origin, whether a part time or full time employee, on a fixed term or permanent contract. We actively support organisations that have an equal determination to behave completely fairly to all and would not work for or with any organisation that did not uphold such standards.

Valuing our customers, business partners and suppliers

We never forget that our business depends on the way in which we look after our customers and the way we work with our business partners and suppliers. Good relationships with all parties are essential to ESTS running a successful business.

We are very clear about the standards of behaviour required and we take our corporate image very seriously. We are equally committed to understanding and operating according to the codes of practice our commercial customers have in place, both on and off their premises.

Behaving with integrity

In every area of our work, internal as well as external, we demand the highest possible standards of integrity. This involves respecting other people and being fair and honest at all times.

With regard to the law, ESTS states unequivocally that everything we do, either ourselves or on behalf of our customers, is entirely in accordance with UK law. Any transgression by an employee of ESTS would constitute a disciplinary matter and may result in dismissal. Equally, we will not work with any customer who asks us to operate outside the law.

Thinking of others

ESTS is committed to supporting the wider community. We do this in a number of ways, getting involved in a variety of different projects, as well as actively supporting the following charities:


  • Cancer Research