01296 397000 24hrs


Sewage & wastewater treatment and management


Whether you are a private individual or a commercial customer and whether you are a current client of ESTS or not, if you recommend ESTS to anyone that subsequently becomes a client of ours, we will show our appreciation by giving you something to say thank you.

For even the smallest referrals, we will give you a case of wine or the equivalent for non drinkers.

For larger referrals, we will give something of greater value, which could come in the form of upgrades, servicing or maintenance of your current treatment plant or unit. Depending on the size of your unit, a year’s gold service contract could be worth several hundred pounds.

If you do refer us to anyone, we will approach them tactfully and professionally and only use your name if you are happy for us to do so. In nearly all cases, our approach is very welcome and we convert a very high percentage of referrals into new clients.

If you would like to refer us to an individual or organisation, call us on 01296 397000, email us at referrals@estsonline.co.uk or fill in the following form.

Please don’t forget to include your contact details, their contact details and a brief summary of how you think we might be able to help them (ideally with details of their current sewage / wastewater arrangements if possible):

Referral form